
Lompoc Adult School and Career Center Newsletter

320 North J Street  Lompoc, CA 93436  805-742-3100


Computer Basics  Workshop Scheduled for February-March

This evening class will be offered on Tuesday and Thursday evenings on campus. Students who need basic computer skills and who have not previously enrolled in last year's workshop ay apply by contacting Partners in Education, our partner in offering this workshop. Two sections will be offered - one featuring bilingual support and one in English only. Space is limited.


Survey for Graduating Students

Please complete this survey to help us understand how we can make our program better. Thank you!

Click here to begin your survey.


Win a FREE gift card for reading this newsletter. Keep reading for the link to register.

We Need Student Help With Our Student Exit Surveys! 

All students who have registered without providing a Social Security or ITIN Number will receive a survey about six months AFTER completing or leaving our program. WHY?

The survey is so that the school can keep its funding and keep programs free. Students will be asked four questions.

Student answers are anonymous.

  1. Are you attending school in a different area?

  2. What school do you attend now?

  3. Do you have a job now?

  4. How much do you usually earn in one month?

New Students!


Did you know that Lompoc Adult School gets $0 for all students who do not attend for at least 12 hours. Please help us keep our school funded and commit to attend at least 12 hours while you decide if our program is right for you. Thousands of other students have succeeded in our programs. Why not you?

Thank you!

Our Quarters End in October, January, March and June! Will You Be Ready for the Quarterly Progress Check?

Students will meet with teachers to complete a progress check on their attendance and performance to determine if students should continue attending for the next quarter or schedule themselves to return at a later time.

New Students: How can we help?

We are glad that you are choosing Lompoc Adult School!


Thousands of students have succeeded at Lompoc Adult School. Contact our front office any time that you feel you need more information, help, or answers. 805-742-3100 or email us at

Phlebotomy and Medical Assistant Certification Classes Year Round!

phleobotomy grads

Phlebotomy, Medical Assistant, and EKG Technician Certification Classes are in progress year round. Nursing Assistant classes are in place throughout the school year. Full scholarships are available. Information is on our web site.

ESL, Citizenship, and High School Diploma Students - CASAS Testing

All ESL, Citizenship and Diploma students need at least several CASAS test each school year because this keeps our school's funding in place and lets us offer our classes for free. Contact the office at 805-742-3100 or email the office at Don't know what the CASAS test is? Read on for more information and for an opportunity to win a gift card!

CASAS Testing Information FAQ

CASAS eTests

gift card

Did you know this about the CASAS Test?

  1. WHY DO WE TAKE CASAS TESTS? It is a requirement of our schools' state funding and keeps our free programs running.

  2. DO CASAS TESTS HELP STUDENTS? Yes. The scores show your academic growth throughout the school year and help staff make changes to meet your needs. 

  3. DO CASAS SCORES GET USED? Yes, CASAS scores tell us where we need to make changes to better support student learning.

  4. WHO TAKES CASAS TESTS? All High School Diploma and ESL/Citizenship students take multiple CASAS tests each school year.

  5. HOW OFTEN DO I NEED TO CASAS TEST? ESL students do practice tests monthly and then test several times a year. Diploma students test every time they complete a class.

  6. WHAT DOES CASAS MEASURE? The CASAS test measures students' academic growth on the College and Career Readiness Standards throughout the school year.

Students, did you learn something about the CASAS test? You will be entered in our monthly gift card drawing. Click here for the survey

Program for Families to Get Computers  - Yours to Keep

student computer

Looking for a free computer or Android phones for someone in your home? We have a program that provides computers and phones to Lompoc families. The Lompoc Adult School staff can help you register for these programs. Devices can be picked up at Lompoc Adult School.

Please click here for more information.

High School Diploma Graduation June 2, 2025, at 5:00 p.m.  on El Camino Campus!

  • Graduation Ceremony is in the El Camino Multipurpose Building at 5 p.m.

  • Plan to arrive by 4:30 p.m.

  • Park in the Laurel Avenue Parking Lot near the soccer field near H Street  - Go to the Cafeteria

  • Ceremony will end by 5:40 p.m., and we will proceed to the reception in the Cafeteria for photographs and returning caps and gowns


Graduate check list. Call 805-742-3100 for help with the following items:

  1. Complete a petition to graduate form - LASCC office has them.

  2. Make an appointment NOW with Mr. Brown for your free Cap and Gown photograph.

  3. Make an appointment with Kiara Diggs for assistance getting a job, applying for free college, or more.

Please work with your instructor to make sure you can complete your requirements in time to graduate!

School Improvement Survey: Help Make Our School Better AND Enter to Win Free Gift Cards!

gift card

Our School Improvement and Student Needs survey is here!  It's about our school and how we serve students. Complete the survey and get entered to win a free gift card in our monthly drawings.

Click here for the English Survey.

Click here for the Spanish Survey

Lompoc Adult School Students - Improved Life Skills for All


Our programs are designed to help students build Life Skills that are essential to success at all ages in life. Why? Because we want students to continue to succeed long after they have left our programs.

  • Critical Thinkers - Know how to find information when I need it, understand it better, and make better decisions because of this. 

  • Effective Communicators - Improve how well I listen to others and speak to them in person, through Zoom, email, phone, text or and other ways.

  • Lifelong Learners - Ready to learn something new to improve who I am and who I can be.

  • Productive Citizens - Identify and act upon new opportunities to help take care of myself and my family and support my community.

  • Do you agree that our school has helped you with any or all of these? Click here to give us your feedback and earn a chance to win a free gift card!

Attention: Jobs Seeking Workers


Did you know that our Career Center Technician, Kiara Diggs, has information on current Lompoc job availability for the following and more? Click here to make an appointment with Kiara mornings or evenings.

  • Do you want to work for Lompoc Unified School District?

  • Do you want a job in the medical field?

  • Would you like to work with computers in a help-desk type of a job?

  • Maybe you want a different type of job or you want to plan out your career pathway to the job of your dreams?

Did you like our newsletter? Students enter now to win a free gift card?

Click here to complete a survey about this newsletter and get entered to win a free gift card.

Lompoc Adult School and Career Center

320 North J Street  Lompoc, CA 93436  805-742-3100

Every Student Able to Achieve Life Goals