Register for Classes Now

Work at your own pace. Choose your graduation date.

Use our Flexible Attendance to work around your schedule.

Thousands of Students have Enrolled.

Thousands of Students have Succeeded.

Why not you?

Registration is open from July through March.

Click here to register now.

We offer free programs for High School Diploma, ESL and Citizenship.

Other free programs include the following: Computer Basics, Microsoft Office, Career Readiness, and Paraeducator Certification.

Take classes online with instructors who can help you in real time.

Program Guide English

Program Guide Spanish

Thousands of students have enrolled.

Register for our FREE programs.

We offer free programs for High School Diploma, ESL and Citizenship.

Other free programs include the following: Computer Basics, Microsoft Office, Career Readiness, and Paraeducator Certification.

Take classes online with instructors who can help you in real time.

Work at your own pace.

Choose your graduation date.

Use our Flexible Attendance to work around your schedule.